
Higher Ground Leadership® Practicum

I must admit, when I drew the card Grace from the Spirit@Work® Cards I had no idea what it might mean to me. My only thought was that it was somehow tied to forgiveness, and if so, it was the perfect card to draw.

These are the sentences from the book that inspired me the most:

Our Souls are inspired by those with grace, for they are people who appreciate the natural elegance of human relationships – a shift from things to people.


They use charm and integrity to maintain symmetry in all of their relationships, those with whom they interact. Those with grace guide every relationship with a sure hand that seeks to make every Soul whole – first with itself, but also with the universe.


The purpose of our lives is to be in a state of grace with everyone with whom we are in contact, to be continually moving towards the light, until our Soul travels on.

The poem brought me to tears imagining what living in a state of grace would be like. These were the lines that really moved me:

Let me experience grace. It is a taste of heaven.

Give me the courage to approach those I serve

From the depths of who I am.


When I am afraid, when I fear, listen to my heart!

Be still and comforted by my Soul.


The Soul reawakens to our new place of grace.

A burden lifts and dissipates,

Energy circles, through and around us.

I feel very much at peace with the thought of living with grace. I found the text and poem very comforting and read them daily. I would say at this point of the journey of the Higher Ground Leadership Practicum and writing my book, Footprints On My Soul, I can imagine a time when I can “Be still and comforted by my Soul.” I look forward to when my “burden lifts and dissipates.” It would result in having a very peaceful existence. A life of grace.

Higher Ground Leadership Principles®, The Spirit@Work Cards®, and the Castle Principles® are registered trademarks of the Secretan Center.