“Every day, we are faced with dozens of decisions. We can choose the style in which we make them. We can act in the best interests of the Soul by bringing more Mastery, Chemistry, and Delivery into the world, as well as Kindness, compassion, Honesty, truth, and Love – or we can act from personality by being competitive, ego-driven – even hostile and angry.”
Wise words found in the book which accompanies the Spirit@Work Cards®.
When I think of Kindness, simple acts come to mind: cleaning the snow from the car beside you in the parking lot, letting a mother with young children go ahead of you in a grocery line, smiling at people you interact with in your daily life, opening a door for a person, and speaking in Kindness. There is an endless list of possibilities of how a person can add Kindness to another person. In most cases, it takes very little time to do so.
The amazing thing I’ve noticed about Kindness is that it can make such a difference to the person receiving it. I believe that in the life we’ve created we’ve almost forgotten about being kind. It’s become something that surprises another because of its rarity. I wonder how something so simple to accomplish slipped through the everyday actions of our lives.
The poem that accompanies the card has this to share:
“Kindness gives strength, understanding, and goodwill.”
“Help me be kind in my actions.
Let me connect, with kindness,
To another and another
In every action, in every interaction.”
I know that if you start by making a conscious effort to practice Kindness that it becomes an unconscious part of your everyday life. It happens without thinking about it because it becomes part of the fabric of who you are as a person.
How are you going to start to practice Kindness in your life?
Higher Ground Leadership Principles® and The Spirit@Work Cards are registered trademarks of the Secretan Center.