
Higher Ground Leadership® Practicum

I drew the Spirit@Work® Card, Contribution and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.  Part of me was worried that it would suggest that I do something that shares/exposes a little more of myself. I’m not ready for that. I seemed to be afraid of what this card would hold for me.

I was pleasantly surprised (and relieved) to discover that the book started with six suggestions that could easily guide me in the writing of the book.  (I don’t think I wanted to do hard this time around.) These two really resonated with me:

4. Will my work make a difference to the world, will it have meaning, and will it make the world a better place?

5. How does my work meet my spiritual needs? Is my work my spiritual practice? Is it sacred?


We need to listen, to follow our inner voice and to pay heed to the spiritual call – …


The pursuit of mastery in the service of humanity is one of the greatest contributions we can make to our world and to other Souls on the planet.


Guiding the contribution of brilliance of others requires us to relate with them at levels beyond the day-to-day issues, beyond the mundane with which we have become comfortable, beyond the data and the performance ratios, beyond the material and the physical. It requires us to relate with each other in a values-centered, metaphysical, sacred, and spiritual way. In order to achieve this, we must reframe our approach to relationships and communications by being brave and authentic, by opening our hearts and maintaining a state of grace.

It would be amazing if I could coach on that level. I certainly aspire to be that coach. I wonder if I will be able to attract clients who are willing to do deep exploration into who they really are? If so, will I be able to provide the safe space for them to be able to?

If I consider the questions and doubts logically, it makes sense that I would absolutely be able to coach at that level. I’ve already lived it. I’ve studied extensively and have been told by many that I am an amazing coach.  I just have to believe in myself and coach.

From the poem:

Let me connect my contribution to my life’s purpose.


May I contribute authentically and with integrity.

May my daily practice contribute to the Souls of others.

Contribution is definitely something to aspire to. I want to be able to do this as naturally as I breathe. I guess I didn’t have anything to worry about by drawing this card. It’s all doable!

Higher Ground Leadership Principles®, The Spirit@Work Cards®, and the Castle Principles® are registered trademarks of the Secretan Center.