I loved playing with the Spirit@Work® card – Empathy. It was a beautiful card to draw.
I’ve chosen to share a complete paragraph from the book:
Empathizers put themselves in the shoes of others, walking in their moccasins, realizing that this is the first essential in building relationships. They take the trouble to see things from the other person’s point of view, being clearly interested in their concerns, challenges, and aspirations. Their world view is altruistic, compassionate, kind, and caring. They are more concerned with the whole than with the individual ego.
From the poem:
I witness your journey from deep in my Soul.
I feel your pain and your joy.
I see your perspective based on your context.
I return to who I am, more whole.
I wondered at the magic of empathy and how I became an empathetic person, especially when my childhood experiences are taken into account. I found that I was considering the abusers from my childhood more this week. I find myself once again wondering if they were remorseful and what it felt like for them. I wondered if they went to church on Sundays, confessed their sins, and asked forgiveness. I wondered if it was granted.
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