
Higher Ground Leadership Practicum Project

The first Spirit@Work Card® that I drew to guide me in writing my book, Footprints On My Soul, was Intuition.  As outlined in my Higher Ground Leadership® Practicum Proposal I will draw a new card each Tuesday and Friday.

The lines from the poem that seemed to speak directly to my heart were the following:

“My awareness shifts from my head to my heart. 

My intuition speaks to my Soul, an old friend.”


“Help me find a blended awareness of my mind and my heart.”

The perfect words to guide the first days of writing the book.  I believe that I managed to incorporate Intuition very well into my writing.

I had prepared a very rough outline of the order that I wanted to write the book.  Something told me that it would confuse the reader if I started it when I was fifteen, (as indicated in my outline) then left the middle of that memory to go back to being four, and progressing through the book chronologically after that.  As I went to start writing I realized that it would also be hard to properly write the chapter about being fifteen, as part of it would have already been written.  I would be faced with the dilemma of not rewriting that section and hoping that the reader would remember, or writing the section again in its proper spot.  I went with my intuition and started the book when I was four years old.

Then, the next day while driving in my car, I was hit with a very strong intuition.  The book doesn’t start at four.  The book needs to start with why the book is being written.  So, I wrote that part.

The perfectionist was a little concerned about the fact that I’m writing the first draft by hand in a bound journal, and now everything is out of order and I’m only on my second day.  My new writing friend, intuition, stepped in and I suddenly had a peacefulness that knew that I didn’t have to worry about the order right now.  All I need to do is write from my heart as originally intended.

As I reflect back on how much I changed over the last few weeks, and especially the last couple of days in regards to writing the book.  I went from being so scared to write that I could barely put together a rough chapter list to writing more than the 500 words each day that I committed to.  I also have a feeling (intuition) that everything that has happened to me happened so that I could write this book.  Everything is exactly the way that it’s supposed to be in this moment in time.

Is it possible that it’s the cards and that reading the definition and poem before I start each writing session is what is actually keeping me grounded?  I’m only on my third day, so I definitely don’t have the answer today.  I will be considering the possibility as I progress through this four-month journey with the Spirit@Work Cards® and the Castle Principles®.  I have a feeling that intuition is going to stay with me through the entire book.

Higher Ground Leadership Principles®, The Spirit@Work Cards®, and the Castle Principles® are registered trademarks of the Secretan Center.